DARCS: on notice
I finally gave up and blew away my old darcs repository. There is a new one now, in the same place, which contains most of the files that the old one did.
Everything was going great right up untill I added a squeak image to my repository. These are bigger files (tens of megabytes) but for some reason forever after I did that every change I made to the repository was slooow. How slow, you ask? Use up all the memory on my system and crawl for 20 minutes so I can’t even use the mouse slow. And especially slow was all the various operations to try and figure out what was going on with the repository.
So screw it. I have a new repository that’s fast again. But I’m officially putting darcs on notice.
svn FTW!
bah! fancy shmancy “svn” “darcs” whatever… You know you want to use Envy! Seriously the greatest source control system ever, except for the fact that it only really works with Smalltalk… 🙁
So, just convert all your ruby garbage to smalltalk, and be done with it. If you can do CAVE work in Smalltalk, you should be able to do anything