Archive for January 2007

Details about Mountain West Ruby Conference

Hey everybody, if you want to see me talk about my RubyUSB stuff in Salt Lake City, sign up for Mountian West Ruby Conference. It’s only $50! And I don’t think I get expenses so I would be interested in going in with somebody on a hotel if you’re interested.

Going back to Amazon!

Just got the good word from Paul…I’ll be coming back to Amazon. I’m even a blue badge – which means I get benefits and everything. It’s good to be loved!

RubyUSB will be presented at MountainWest RubyConf 2007

Yay! So it’s not exactly the most huge conference in the world but it’s something. I’ll be presenting RubyUSB at MountainWest RubyConf 2007. Apparently I have the 11-12pm slot on Saturday March 17th. The conference will be in Salt Lake City.

I’ll post a link as soon as they have a full schedule posted someplace.