Archive for July 2011

GHP Theory of Computation Class Summary

The second class I taught at GHP was Theory of Computation (entitled “Does Not Compute”). We approached the problem of machine equivalence. This class was a lot of fun and students seemed to enjoy it. You can , if you’re curious.
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GHP Fractals Class Summary

Ok, so my good intentions to blog weekly about my teaching at GHP didn’t quite happen. It really is amazing exactly how intense teaching at GHP is, at least for your first year. Between majors, minors, all the various side projects, helping students after hours, and then prepping classes you are basically working every minute 7am-11pm (or later). After a while, it got to where I started daydreaming about taking naps. But I really don’t want to sound like I’m complaining…GHP is definitely one of the coolest teaching things I’ve ever done. But not a lot of blogging time.

So, here’s what I did in my fractals class:

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