My students are awesome: CSSE 376 Board Games

So in my quality assurance course, I ask my students to form groups of 2-3 and build computerized versions of board games. I selected board games in particular because I knew board game logic was both understandable AND tricky enough that it could generally benefit from robust unit testing (which was what I was mainly asking them to practice for this project).

I was very happy with what my students produced. Every team worked well and reliably turned out code week after week – perhaps partly because they knew I was monitoring their github commits 🙂 . These games are really quite complex…if you look at these videos I think you’ll see tons of detailed (and tricky to implement) logic.

And…lest you think I was slacking on the testing…each of these games has greater than 75% code coverage…not at all bad when you consider the complexity of the GUIs which are mostly untested.

Anyways, check out their stuff!

CivilizationMovieFinal from Spencer Murphy on Vimeo.

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