1-credit course in GIT

This spring I decided to try something I’ve been mulling over for a long time – a 1-credit course in GIT. 1-credit CSSE classes at Rose tend to be minor affairs…generally just for student fun and not affecting graduation. Of course, we already use git in many classes at Rose-Hulman, but you usually can’t cover anything in more detail than basic checking-in, checking-out, and conflict resolution.

10 classes was a bit on the longish side…I think you definitely could have done the topics in 7ish-classes if you wanted to compress, and the curriculum will always tighten with time. I do think that it’s wishful thinking to expect students to be good at git with just a lecture or two and some sort of highly structured tutorial.

The design of the course also was a challenge. Lecturing about command line tools is not usually effective – you have to use it to get good. I toyed with the idea of making a series of broken repo states that the students would have to fix/debug, but decided it would be too much work (if anybody would like to help me by make a library of 45 or so….feel free to get in contact with me, I still think that could be good). What I decided on was lectures, supplemented by a textbook (Git Pro), followed by weekly programming assignments were students had to write scripts that used git commands (and parsed the output). This was a course for moderately senior students who had used the basics of git and could pick up a new scripting language easily.

Git homework assignments:

  • Plumbing 1 – grep for strings in particular trees (apparently git grep does this automatically but no matter)
  • Plumbing 2 – make a commit history from a series of SHAs
  • Reset and Stash – 3 little scripts involving the commands
  • Merging – automatically merge two branches in a crude way
  • Rebase – rebase but show what commits change shas
  • History Rewriting – a simple interactive rebase and a use of filter branch
  • Branches and Push/Pull – pull all local branches to a remote
  • .gitconfig – write your own gitconfig

(solutions are available if you email me)

Overall, I thought it worked pretty well. I’d like to maybe refine a few of the assignments and maybe get some more in class activities. I’d even like to do an “exam” – probably not for student credit, but just so I can assess how well this is all working.

The students also generally seemed to enjoy the class (well, I had a few drop out because they didn’t want to do the homework, but that didn’t stress me out particularly much). I’ll know a little more when student evals come back in a few weeks.

My complete lecture notes are here, if you’d like to use them for something.

Anything I missed that you would cover in your 1-credit git class? Any great ideas for assignments (they should be easy to code, and exercise the commands under question well)? Comments welcome!

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